Treatment in clinics of Hadera

2 clinics in Hadera specialized in different diseases.
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Problems with the pancreas I started a year ago. Was often sick and as for some strange happened. I myself live in Israel, but for a couple of months come to Moscow to visit her daughter. Just Moscow doctor and to me have put such diagnosis. On...
Valentine, 40 years
Leading clinics in Hadera
The best doctors of Hadera
Doctor  Ofer Merimsky Ofer Merimsky

A A leading Israeli professionals involved in the treatment and diagnosis of tumors of the skeleton and soft tissues

Doctor  Sabi Rodzher Sabi Rodzher

A person skilled in the field of orthopedics, head of orthopedic department.

Doctor  Tsvi Ram Tsvi Ram

Prominent Israeli doctor, dealing with the problems of neurooncology. Professor spent many complex innovative operations.

Avraam Shoten

Abraham Shoten - a successful doctor, a specialist in the field of cardiovascular disease in women, is also head of the department of cardiology at the Medical Center Hillel-Yaffe.

Doctor  Khaim Matskin Khaim Matskin

A leading specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of urological and oncological urological diseases in Israel. Provides diagnosis, prevention and treatment of: benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer, prostatitis. He has extensive experience in the field and carry out complex operations involved in brachytherapy.

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