Treatment in clinics of Ashkelon

1 clinic in Ashkelon specialized in different diseases.
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During surgery for abdominal aortic aneurysm, the doctor noticed mesothelioma of the peritoneum. Histology confirmed the diagnosis. It was a very rare case and so far as this form of cancer is properly treated exactly the doctors don't know. So I...
Artem, 38 years
Leading clinics in Ashkelon
The best doctors of Ashkelon
Doctor  David Gurevich David Gurevich

A A leading specialist in the field of general and vascular surgery, head of the surgical department.

Doctor  David Khauser David Khauser

Head of the Department of Ophthalmology, is a A leading authority in the conduct of operations on the retina.

Doctor  Dovi Ronen Dovi Ronen

He specializes in total knee and hip joints, orthopedic department in charge of the clinic.

Doctor  Efim Kharak Efim Kharak

A A leading specialist in surgery, head of the department of general and vascular surgery.

Doctor  Petr Vaynshteyn Petr Vaynshteyn

He is a A leading specialist Department of General and Vascular Surgery.

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