Treatment in clinics of Beer-sheva

1 clinic in Beer-sheva specialized in different diseases.
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You can call to +74954812786​ or The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment Beer-sheva .
I came to Dr. Crowely when I was in a difficult situation with a double leg fracture, a torn meniscus but still the problems associated with the old injury, once treated it in some way. Really liked how the clinic everything is clearly organized...
Fedor, 35 years
Leading clinics in Beer-sheva
Soroka Medical Center
Medical center Soroka hospital, founded 1950. one of the largest and most popular centers in Israel, is a University medical center Moshe Forty. Also, if it is the largest military hospital. The hospital accepts not only their citizens, but any ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The best doctors of Beer-sheva
Doctor  El'ad Leron El'ad Leron

Acting head of the second department of obstetrics and gynecology hospital "Forty." He specializes in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Doctor  Gideon Saar Gideon Saar

Gideon Saar - an outstanding and talented heart surgeon. He is chairman of the cardiac surgeons Commission and the National Association of Transplantation and Surgery. Gideon Saar won Israel's President Award for his contribution to medical progress and achievements before the patronymic.

Doctor  VadimBenkovich VadimBenkovich

Vadim Benkovich - a prominent orthopedic surgeon with twenty years of experience. He has successfully worked in the field of replacement knee and hip joints in Soroka Medical Center.

Dan Atar

Professor Dan Atar - one of the best pediatric orthopedics in Israel. The head of orthopedic department, which annually receive help at least 2,500 children.

Doctor  Israel Melamed Israel Melamed

Israel Melamed - a neurosurgeon with a worldwide reputation, saving the lives of infants, young and older people with brain tumors.

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