Treatment in clinics of Beer Yaakov

1 clinic in Beer Yaakov specialized in different diseases.
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You can call to +74954812786​ or The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment Beer Yaakov .
Professor Shimon Rochina I consulted about the consequences of a hand injury, she couldn't move and the sensitivity was partially absent. I conducted a survey, was scheduled for an operation to restore the nerve, which he successfully did when I...
Alexey, 45 years
Leading clinics in Beer Yaakov
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
Assaf HaRofeh Medical Center
Medical center Assaf Harofe - is the third largest state medical institution in Israel. Assaf Harofe is also a training clinical base for the medical faculty of tel Aviv University and a research centre of international importance. Evidence of ...
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The best doctors of Beer Yaakov
Doctor  Avni itshak Avni itshak

Professor, Department of Ophthalmology Medical School, Tel-Aviv University. it specializes in the surgical treatment of \ corneal transplantation, imaging and laser treatment, cataract surgery and operations on the front of the eye.

Doctor  Vays Mordehay Vays Mordehay

A leading orthopedic, endocrinology star

Doctor  Tami Karni Tami Karni

Director of the Institute Breast Health, which was set up on her initiative on the basis of the clinic Assaf Rofé.

Doctor  Leonel Koplёvich Leonel Koplёvich

Leonel Koplёvich - a great children's orthopaedist, who is engaged in treatment of congenital and acquired abnormalities. The head of children's orthopedic department.

Doctor  Arie Lindner Arie Lindner

Head of the Urology Department, specializing in the most complex operations on the kidneys, prostate, urinary bladder. Practices diagnosis and treatment of BPH, including with the use of laser technology.

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