Testicular cancer treatment in city Rzeszow
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Testicular cancer treatment in clinics of Rzeszow

➤ Testicular cancer treatment in clinics of Rzeszow ➤ 14 clinics Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 21 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 8,895 patients are sent for treatment

Male gonads (testicles, body doubles) suffer by cancer is not as common as, for example, lungs or stomach. Testicular cancer can affect one testicle, and in 4% of cases sick on both.

Dear young men, you know that testicular cancer is a disease of young people (from 20 to 40 years). You shouldn't think that only older's have cancer, screened by an oncologist, and at the slightest sign of ill health especially there is no time to lose!

For the treatment of testicular cancer uses radical surgery, inguinal orchiectomy, is also widely used radiation therapy and medication. Due to the early detection of malignant tumors cancer of the testis healed 95% of cases.

Doclandmed.com recommends only those doctors and technology, which are recognized as best in the world.

We found 14 clinics specialized in testicular cancer with cumulative rating
Best choice!
The European health centre Otwock specialised on treatment testicular cancer
European medical center is a unique clinic specializing in Oncology, urology and cardiology. The clinic provides high-precision operation using a surgical manipulator Kymerax. The centre is equipped with the most modern diagnostic equipment.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Center CyberKnife specialised on treatment testicular cancer
The CyberKnife center - specializing for the treatment of cancer. This is one of the leading Oncology centers in Poland, awarded by the international certificate ISO 9001.
Main branches:
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Center of the treatment of prostate cancer HIFU specialised on treatment testicular cancer
Medical center Gifu gathered the best professionals for the treatment of cancer of the prostate (prostate). Doctors first in Poland implemented one of the most modern methods of therapy of malignant tumors — HIFU (HIGH INTENSITY FOCUSED ULTRASOUND).
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
LuxMed specialised on treatment testicular cancer
Clinic Lux Med provides a wide range of medical services. Specialty clinics — surgical treatment.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
University hospital in Krakow specialised on treatment testicular cancer
University hospital in Krakow – the largest multi-medical center in Poland, with more than 200 years since the founding.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Hospital Sant Rafal specialised on treatment testicular cancer
Hospital Sant Rafal has a wide range of services world-class quality in almost all areas of medicine.
Main branches:
Oncology , Orthopedics , Surgery
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The clinic is certified by:ISO - leading certification platform of medical facilities involved in medical tourism and tourism medicine
Clinic of Copernicus specialised on treatment testicular cancer
Copernicus clinic - medical center of international stature, whose history starts from 1857. Unsurpassed quality of services is confirmed by awards and testimonials.
Main branches:
Orthopedics , Pediatrics , Neurosurgery
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
The AMEDS clinic specialised on treatment testicular cancer
AMEDS is one of the three world's leading hospitals for the treatment of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency. Qualified personnel of the center specializing in cardiology, neurology, internal medicine, Oncology.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff

We found 0 clinics specialized in Oncology in Poland

Causes of testicular cancer

As practice shows, elderly or young members of the male half of the population, it is possible to avoid this disease. But its development is possible in the following cases:

• egg/testicles failed to descend into the scrotum. If carried out corrective surgery for cryptorchidism, the risk of progression of the cancer malady is not reduced;

• the probability of a hereditary factor;

• the presence of infertility;

• underdevelopment of the testicles or the presence of inclusions of scar tissue formed at birth;

• the primary removal of the testicle with one hand due to determination of testicular cancer;

• the presence of the syndrome Kleinfelter;

• various injuries of the testicle;

Symptoms of testicular cancer

Cancer of the testicle can manifest in painful swelling. Mostly the clinical manifestations associated with metastasis to the retroperitoneal area of the lymph nodes that have been causing significant pain in the lungs, cough and hemoptysis. Also there may be gynecomastia (a significant increase of the breast).

At these rates, you should always consult a medical experts. Due to the formation of nodes may develop cancer of the testicle. If the cancer progresses, there is loss of appetite, nausea or weakness.

Diagnosis testicular cancer

Now widely used by the different visualization techniques that are presented in the following:

• ultrasonic examination;

• computer tomography;

• the implementation of x-rays;

Sometimes, in order to identify the likelihood of relapse to use more modern methods – PET-CT study.

Such methods can allow to identify the features of tumor growth and also to assess the different conditions the rest of the surrounding tissue to identify the likelihood of metastasis.

we Cannot ignore tumor markers, which track the level of alpha-fetoprotein. It is also important to undergo check-UPS of a preventive nature, since the early stages of the disease can be cured much faster and easier.

Classification of testicular cancer

Forms of tumors affect the classification of cancer of the testis, depending on the stage of the disease. You should pay attention to criteria such as the defeat of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes metastasis, or spreading of the latter to other bodies.

If there is no evidence of metastasis, it is referred to as the first stage of testicular cancer.

With the defeat of the retroperitoneal lymph nodes, marked the second stage of the disease. At the third stage, the egg is metastases in lymph nodes and other organs.

Treatment of testicular cancer

the Process of therapy should always begin with immediate removal of the testicle affected by poor quality cells. After this, further treatment will depend upon the characteristics of the tumor histological research, clinical cancer stage and tumor markers or changes that may occur.

If specified seminoma tumor of the testicle first or second clinical stage, surgical removal of the eggs needs to be accompanied by therapy with radiation directed at the lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity. In the presence of common tumors, it is necessary to use chemotherapy, as well as to remove the retroperitoneal lymph nodes. The first and second clinical-stage cancer of the testis suggests the possibility of recovery of 95% of all suffering from cancer.

When nezamenimyj testicular tumors there is less sensitivity to the effects of therapy using rays. At the first stage of this type of cancer is common to use the following:

• surgical removal of lymph nodes modified zone of the abdominal cavity;

• carrying out chemical therapy;

• continuous observation of medical experts, as there is the likelihood of progression of disease in 20% of cases.

If there is second stage nezamenimogo cancer of the testicle, you should use other treatment options, which are represented like this:

• surgery removal of all changed nodes lymph with subsequent chemical treatment;

• the completion of chemotherapy, after which determine the necessity of surgical intervention retroperitoneal lymph nodes.

When I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the first reaction was of course panic, and then I Packed up and started to look for information on the Internet and on the forums. I'm still grateful to all those people who write reviews about their appeal to different professionals – I this information helped to survive. That is why I write about how I got to Israel, and how I was able to overcome the disease.The purpose of my search information on the Internet to understand where and how to treat ovarian cancer, what are my prospects in General? The important thing is that I knew we must act quickly. Of course, I wanted to go to a top specialist because of the ability to experiment just wasn't there.I immediately realized that I wanted to be treated in Israel, as there is a percentage of cure from cancer is very high, including ovarian cancer. This treatment is cheaper than, say, the USA or Germany, for me it was also an important argument. I only had to choose the doctor. About Professor Moshe Inbar had a lot of positive reviews so I decided to go for a consultation to him. I read that it shone Oncology, one of the best specialists in the country, with many titles and awards. In General, riding to the reception with understandable excitement. But it turned out that it is also a surprisingly charming person very easy to communicate with. Maybe for someone it is not important, but I think in Oncology in the possibility of simple human contact with the doctor, not the fear and dread of him and his credibility is very important.Professor appointed me to the examination (ultrasound, PET CT), which was assigned to phase 2A. The doctor explained to me that the only treatment option is removal of the uterus with appendages, but still extended operation is not required, as in the neighbouring organs cancer was not detected. Perhaps if I arrived earlier, it would be possible to limit removal of the ovary, and have lasted much longer – it would take the radiation and chemo. So I think that in some sense I was lucky, the treatment was limited to surgery, which was done quickly and very neatly. Now, when this story is over, and I can safely say that survived and beat cancer, I want to advise all women facing a similar diagnosis, don't wait and immediately contact professionals that you trust. I chose Moshe Inbar and I have not regretted.
When I was diagnosed with "cervical cancer" I was in a complete panic. Decided that the treatment will be abroad and chose Israel, Dr. Moshe Inbar. I want to say that it is not only the best specialist in Oncology, but also a very sympathetic person. All the survey I did quickly operated. It's only been 3 years, and I have become a mother to a healthy baby.
I was treated by Moshe Inbar from breast cancer, and all women who have the same problem, I advise you to address him. Even if you only consult the best specialist in this field in Israel, you will have full confidence in the correct diagnosis and how it really needs to be treated. I, for example, after the consultation, changed the stage of cancer, and therefore revised treatment – appointed additional exposure. If this is not done, the cancer would have returned.
Marina Innokentievna
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