Treatment in clinics of Krakow

2 clinics in Krakow specialized in different diseases.
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You can call to +74954812786​ or The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment Krakow .
I thought that the poles are Roma from former socialist camp. But it turned out that they this time was not wasted. Equipment bought, doctors to trained and eventually. as large. Troubleshooting is quick, with no queues. And the attitude of the...
Ivan Vladimirovich, 67 years
Leading clinics in Krakow
The best doctors of Krakow
Doctor  Anna Krisyukevich Fenger Anna Krisyukevich Fenger

A A leading experts in the field of pediatric endocrinology and pediatrics in Poland

Doctor  Zhiman Vitold Zhiman Vitold

One of the best specialists in the field of cancer treatment, as well as chest surgery.

Doctor  Mondry Ryshard Mondry Ryshard

The highly skilled surgeon, specializes in breast reconstruction, intimate plastic, removing scars, blepharoplasty and other operations.

Doctor  Pardala Tomash Pardala Tomash

A A leading orthopedic surgeon specializing in the treatment of injuries of the musculoskeletal system and orthopedic diseases.

Doctor  Skotnitski Petr Skotnitski Petr

A A leading specialist in surgery and oncological surgery, specializes in the treatment of breast and lung cancer.

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