Allergology in Haifa
6,855 patients are sent for treatment

Allergology in clinics of Haifa

➤ Allergology in Haifa ➤ 1 clinic Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 6,855 patients are sent for treatment
You can call to +74954812786​ or The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment in about Israel .
After incorrectly taken childbirth, my child showed torticollis. And then, I realized it myself, as the child turned his head just in the right! The x-rays were then clearly visible in this pathology! For examination and treatment my husband chose...
Karina, 31 years
We found 1 clinic specialized in allergology with cumulative rating
The clinic is certified by:Joint Commission International (JCI) is the biggest and most well-known hospital accreditation provider on the international market
Best choice!
Mayo Clinic
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
I had a terrible allergic reaction, it is true to me that the doctors did not give a clear answer. I handed over all analyzes, but the specific allergen has not been identified. I went therapies and sat on an elimination diet - all to no avail! Just climbed on different forums and sites, looking for information about a similar problem and saw an advertisement Preventikum clinic. Went there for a diagnosis and I are allergic to seafood has been identified in just a few days. Now that I know I can not, I immediately felt better. However, I confess, I love the fish and cook it often, and Kiln also not disdain.
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