Gynecology in Koln
11,599 patients are sent for treatment

Gynecology in clinics of Koln

➤ Gynecology in Koln ➤ 1 clinic Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 3 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 11,599 patients are sent for treatment
You can call to +74954812786​ or The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment in Germany .
Проблемой облысения точно страдаю не только я, но вот многим лысина идет и дает какую-то даже внешнюю привлекательность! А я смотрюсь каким-то грибом-боровичком. Поэтому давно уже хотел начать лечение, да все руки не доходили. Как раз мне стукнуло...
Михаил, 36 years

Diagnostics and treatment prices

300$ - 5000$
Check-up Diagnostics
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4500$ - 6000$
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from 300$
Skype consultation
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Gynecology in clinics of Koln ➤ Gynecology in Koln, ➤ 1 clinic, Addresses, $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics, ☺ 3 reviews, ✎ Make an appointment, ✉ 11,599 patients are sent for treatment
300 6000 USD
We found 1 clinic specialized in gynecology with cumulative rating
Best choice!
PAN clinic
High quality care, attentive service, comfortable atmosphere conducive to healing — all this is combined in the PAN-clinic. Specialists of the clinic, individually or in collaboration with colleagues, consult, diagnose and treatment at a high level.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
Already more than 2 years Professor Ebert is no longer the head of the Department of gynecology in the hospitals Vivantes, now he is only a private practitioner. These two years he is observed me, but I'm satisfied, unfortunately, not by all.
Olga M.
Revealed a uterine myoma, then was operated in the best Moscow clinics. Said that the surgery went well and was discharged home. But pain after the operation were not and I decided to take the examination at Fortis La Femme, Delhi, in India, since I lived there sister and she highly recommended me this center. When I arrived, I was literally the plane was taken there because I am in pain doubled over. It turned out that Moscow doctors gave me a staph infection in the uterus during the surgery and I still have a month treated in Fortis to save my uterus. Here are our wonderful doctors!
My mother at the age of 47 years was diagnosed with a very unpleasant disease, prolapse of the uterus. She told me not even once told about it, very ashamed. Yes, and the doctor is not addressed! Later, when she was quite uncomfortable, she told me. Fortunately my husband is a med employee and we immediately my mother was sent for treatment to Robert Mullner Medical center Ha-Emek. The treatment course was not cheap, but most importantly, effective! Mom is now very glad to be rid of this disease.
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The best doctors of Germany
Doctor  Stefan Palm Stefan Palm

A A leading gynecologist, endocrinologist, head of department of gynecology.

Doctor  Mathias Varma Mathias Varma

Mathias Varma - an outstanding expert in the field of gynecology and mammalogy, chief physician and assistant professor. His work helps women cope with such serious illnesses as breast cancer.

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