Cardiovascular surgery in Heidelberg
11,596 patients are sent for treatment

Cardiovascular surgery in clinics of Heidelberg

➤ Cardiovascular surgery in Heidelberg ➤ 1 clinic Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 5 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 11,596 patients are sent for treatment
You can call to +74954812786​ or The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment in Germany .
Где-то 8 месяцев назад у меня периодически стала возникать слабость в груди, тахикардия была 90 в невозбужденном состоянии и ко всему прочему добавлялось ощущение замирания ритма. Ходил к доктору и делали ЭКГ, но все было в норме. Так все это и...
Вячеслав, 54 years
We found 1 clinic specialized in cardiovascular surgery with cumulative rating
Best choice!
Heidelberg University hospital
One of the oldest medical institutions in Germany. specializing for the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, as well as a leader in the field of neuroscience, transplantation, genetics, and treatment of infectious diseases.
Contact clinic
+74954812786​ (free)
English speaking staff
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The best doctors of Germany
Doctor  Dittmar Bekler Dittmar Bekler

A prominent vascular surgeon, specializes in the treatment of patients with acute and chronic vascular diseases.

Doctor  Hugo Katus Hugo Katus

He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

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