Transplantology in Bonn
11,596 patients are sent for treatment

Transplantology in clinics of Bonn

➤ Transplantology in Bonn ➤ 1 clinic Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 6 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 11,596 patients are sent for treatment

General information

The transplantology is abroad well developed, there is a set of clinics in which change of the most different bodies and fabrics, including such difficult operations as transplantation of heart, a lung is carried out.

Features of transplantation abroad

For rubezhomyavlyatsya by advantages of transplantation:

  • Wide experience in the field medicine.
  • High level of training of the doctors who are going in for transplantology.
  • Ample opportunities for selection of material for transplantation. For example, one of the largest banks of the stem cells used for transplantation of marrow is located abroad.
  • Service and benevolent attitude towards patients.
  • Reasonable prices in comparison with many clinics of Europe.

Organ transplantation and fabrics it becomes frequent the only opportunity to save life or to return to normal life, but it is insufficiently simple to find donor material and to execute transplantation operation. Before it special preparation is carried out, but all the same there is a risk of rejection of a transplant. At a happy end of operation observation of the patient is necessary in time to notice all possible problems. In clinics abroad process is organized in such a way that the risk of complications is minimized, and in case of their emergence the patient is given immediate effective help.

You can call to +74954812786​ or The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment in Germany .
Мою маму мы отправили через организаторов лечения ( в университетскую клинику Бонн в онкологическое отделение. Жалко было что потеряли много времени. Нам предоставили хорошую палату в клинике и помощник все время был рядом, помогал с...
Лариса, 37 years
We found 1 clinic specialized in transplantology with cumulative rating
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