Gastroenterology in Bonn
11,599 patients are sent for treatment

Gastroenterology in clinics of Bonn

➤ Gastroenterology in Bonn ➤ 1 clinic Addresses $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ☺ 6 reviews ✎ Make an appointment ✉ 11,599 patients are sent for treatment

Treatment of gastroenterologichesky diseases abroad

The gastroenterology is a section of medicine which is engaged in diagnostics and treatment of diseases of a gastrointestinal tract:

  • digestive tract (DT),
  • liver,
  • pancreas.

Abroad the gastroenterology achieved considerable success. High level of diagnostics allows to reveal pathological processes at early stages, and ample opportunities of conservative and surgical treatment - successfully to cope with the most different diseases.

What diseases treat in gastroenterologichesky clinics abroad:

  • Inflammatory processes of a gastrointestinal tract (ezofagit, gastritis, gastroduodenit, enteritis, colitis).
  • Stomach ulcer of a stomach and duodenum.
  • Liver diseases (cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, cirrhosis).
  • Pancreas diseases (pancreatitis, pankreonekroz).
  • Fermentopatiya, breaking normal digestion.
  • Oncological diseases.

Specific cases of treatment of gastroenterologichesky diseases abroad

Considerable success in treatment of such rare and serious illness as is also abroad achieved:

  • illness Krone
  • nonspecific ulcer colitis
  • good results are shown by therapy of cancer of different departments of a gastrointestinal tract
You can call to +74954812786​ or The medical consultant will tell about all aspects of treatment in Germany .
Диагноз сколиоз 1 степени мне поставили ещё в 14 лет. Я не особо обращала внимание на это, так как искривление позвоночника сейчас наблюдается у каждого 3-го человека, наверное. Но, как оказалось потом, болезнь прогрессировала...Все это дошло до...
Анна, 30 years

Diagnostics and treatment prices

800$ - 1200$
Price request
750$ - 1700$
Price request
300$ - 5000$
Check-up Diagnostics
Price request
250$ - 2500$
Gastroscopy + biopsy
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
1000$ - 4000$
Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Price request
700$ - 4000$
Ultrasound Endoscopic Examination (EUS) with Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNA)
Price request
1200$ - 7000$
Removal of Gallstones
Price request
Detection of Cysts
Price request
400$ - 700$
Esophagus Monometry
Price request
150$ - 700$
Rectal Sphincter Monometry
Price request
700$ - 1200$
Video Capsule Endoscopy
Price request
300$ - 1200$
Electrogastroscopy (EGG)
Price request
1800$ - 2000$
Liver Biopsy
Price request
Gastroenterology in clinics of Bonn ➤ Gastroenterology in Bonn, ➤ 1 clinic, Addresses, $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics, ☺ 6 reviews, ✎ Make an appointment, ✉ 11,599 patients are sent for treatment
150 7000 USD
We found 1 clinic specialized in gastroenterology with cumulative rating
I never thought that I would come to the Canary Islands to be treated, always thought that this place is exclusively for guests. However, it turned out that for about a hundred years here is a multi-disciplinary medical center. I took a survey about abdominal pain. All done quickly and efficiently, found gastritis, disorders of the liver, prescribe treatment, which really helped.
I suffered acute pancreatitis, which turned into chronic, since then, regularly experience discomfort, pain. My doctor in Russia said that as a result of frequent exacerbations of healthy tissue in the pancreas is getting smaller, it is replaced by connective tissue, and advised me to think about surgery. Hans-Peter Lemmensinstituut I went on the recommendation of friends who turned to him. Was very pleased with the treatment from this doctor.
This was my gift to myself — to go to the hospital San Roque Maspalomas Hospital in the Department of aesthetic medicine, to do them, to rest in the Canary Islands and return a different person. I was looking for such a place — situated in a beautiful location and offering a range of services for beauty of face and body. I was ready for surgery, but they are not required. Numerous hardware techniques, quality cosmetics, and no knife did to me a miracle. Peels and lifting using ultrasound and laser rejuvenated me for 10 years, masks have helped to sustain this effect. Body I also studied very actively. Manual and hardware massage helped me lose weight, tighten the skin, get rid of cellulite. In the future, after 5 years I still plan to return to do a facelift, maybe some more correction. It will return to the hospital San Roque Maspalomas Hospital, because here I am very comfortable and I really trust each of the experts.
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