Dror Mevorakh Israel
Seniority 35 years , Professor, Head of care unit "B" and the Research Center of Rheumatology ☺ reviews $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics
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Dror Mevorakh

Professor, Head of care unit "B" and the Research Center of Rheumatology
57 years / Seniority 35 years
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Our company is the official representative of the doctor Dror Mevorakh worldwide
Price for personal appointment $600
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Unrivalled specialist in the field of autoimmune diseases.

Treat diseases

Academic activities

He is currently head of the clinical training of the Committee

Owns:. Hebrew, English, French .

Education: In 1989 he graduated with honors from the medical Faculty of the Haifa Technion (Israel). Residency was held in the "Hadassah" Medical Center. As part of the training internship in the Department of Rheumatology of the American Hospital on unique surgery and Cornell University (New York). On his return from New York, founded the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology.

Research activities

Professor Mevorah devotes much time to study autoimmune diseases and other processes functioning immune system. The main object of his scientific interest are the mechanisms of apoptosis of immune cells and the effects caused by the dying cells.

He is a member of numerous Israeli and international companies and organizations, the author of a dozen scientific articles. Article Mevoraha professor in English can be viewed at the link:

During his successful medical practice has been awarded the high medical awards. His name is recorded as two therapeutic patent.

Price for diagnostic and manipulations
from 450$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
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from 200$
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