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The academic hospital Cologne Merheim-Holweide

3 reviews
Online appointment 20 doctors are available
➤ The academic hospital Cologne Merheim-Holweide ➤ Koln, Germany ☺ 3 reviews $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics ✆ Make an appointment +74954812786​
The academic hospital Cologne Merheim-Holweide has a wide range of work, but is separately gynecology and medical assistance during labor and delivery, urology and radiology. A special feature of this clinic is minimal use of invasive methods of therapy without sacrificing quality of treatment.

Diagnostics and treatment prices

800$ - 2500$
Prostate biopsy
Price request
250$ - 2500$
Gastroscopy + biopsy
Price request
7000$ - 10000$
Cyber ​​Knife (CyberKnife)
Price request
3000$ - 7000$
Price request
500$ - 1300$
Price request
7500$ - 10000$
Radiation Therapy
Price request
800$ - 3200$
Testicular Biopsy
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 690$
Cancer Care Remote Consultation
Price request
1000$ - 3500$
Lymph Node Biopsy
Price request
800$ - 3200$
Cervical Biopsy
Price request
4000$ - 18000$
Knee Replacement
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
4500$ - 17000$
Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Spinal Surgery
Price request
4000$ - 25000$
Correction of Spinal Curvature, Including Surgical Method
Price request
170$ - 270$
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Price request
1800$ - 2700$
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
Price request
70$ - 1300$
Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy
Price request
200$ - 600$
Rehabilitation of Children with Poliomyelitis
Price request
300$ - 700$
Rehabilitation after Traumatic Brain Injury
Price request
Cardiology and a heart surgery
300$ - 5000$
Check-up Diagnostics
Price request
from 18000$
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
10000$ - 35000$
Mitral Valve Repair
Price request
2000$ - 7000$
Myocardial Revascularization
Price request
3000$ - 15000$
Ablation of Heart Tissue
Price request
400$ - 21500$
A Pacemaker for Biventricular Resynchronization Installation
Price request
9000$ - 12700$
Gastric Bypass
Price request
10000$ - 15000$
Fundoplication by Nissen
Price request
80$ - 1800$
Coronary angiography
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
Plastic surgery
200$ - 2500$
Price request
from 3000$
Price request
1700$ - 5000$
Labioplasty (plasticity of the labia majora and labia minora)
Price request
250$ - 11500$
Price request
3500$ - 7000$
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
1800$ - 2700$
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
Price request
14000$ - 17000$
A Surgery to Remove Part of the Lung
Price request
3000$ - 17000$
Minimally Invasive Surgery for Lung Resection
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
80$ - 900$
Spinal Rehabilitation
Price request
170$ - 270$
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Price request
750$ - 1700$
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
14000$ - 17000$
A Surgery to Remove Part of the Lung
Price request
3000$ - 17000$
Minimally Invasive Surgery for Lung Resection
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
ENT diseases, Otolaryngology
50$ - 550$
ENT Diagnostics
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
Urology and nephrology
800$ - 2500$
Prostate biopsy
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
800$ - 1200$
Price request
750$ - 1700$
Price request
300$ - 5000$
Check-up Diagnostics
Price request
250$ - 2500$
Gastroscopy + biopsy
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
1000$ - 4000$
Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Price request
700$ - 4000$
Ultrasound Endoscopic Examination (EUS) with Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNA)
Price request
1200$ - 7000$
Removal of Gallstones
Price request
Detection of Cysts
Price request
400$ - 700$
Esophagus Monometry
Price request
150$ - 700$
Rectal Sphincter Monometry
Price request
700$ - 1200$
Video Capsule Endoscopy
Price request
300$ - 1200$
Electrogastroscopy (EGG)
Price request
1800$ - 2000$
Liver Biopsy
Price request
140000$ - 200000$
Bone Marrow Transplantation
Price request
55000$ - 65000$
Kidney Transplantation
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
4500$ - 17000$
Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Spinal Surgery
Price request
4000$ - 25000$
Correction of Spinal Curvature, Including Surgical Method
Price request
80$ - 900$
Spinal Rehabilitation
Price request
Obstetrics and Gynecology
300$ - 5000$
Check-up Diagnostics
Price request
4500$ - 6000$
Price request
2950$ - 9800$
Natural Childbirth
Price request
3000$ - 1000$
Childbirth, Cesarean Section
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
3700$ - 7300$
Price request
from 5500$
Price request
800$ - 3200$
Cervical Biopsy
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
Sports medicine
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
4500$ - 17000$
Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Spinal Surgery
Price request
Radiology, Radiation therapy
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
Cardiovascular surgery
from 300$
Skype consultation
Price request
from 300$
Second Opinion (Second medical opinion)
Price request
The academic hospital Cologne Merheim-Holweide ➤ The academic hospital Cologne Merheim-Holweide, ➤ Koln, Germany, ☺ 3 reviews, $ Prices for treatments and diagnostics, ✆ Make an appointment: +74954812786​
50 200000 USD
Our company is the official representative of The academic hospital Cologne Merheim-Holweide worldwide
Contact clinicfree
English speaking staff
Best doctors in selected clinic
Doctor  Michael Weiss Michael Weiss

Michael Weiss - a successful pediatrician Academic Clinic Cologne-Merhaym Holvayde, MD and chief physician.

Doctor  Thomas Bemers Thomas Bemers

Thomas Bёmers - German children's surgeon and urologist, skilled in their field, MD.

Doctor  Wolfram Windish Wolfram Windish

Wolfram Windish - outstanding German pulmonologist and thoracic surgeon, Doctor of Medicine and one of the chief physicians of the Academic Clinic Cologne-Merhaym Holvayde..

Doctor  Wolfgang Arns Wolfgang Arns

Wolfgang Arns - a true expert in the field of internal medicine and nephrology, one of the A leading physicians of the Academic Clinic Cologne-Merhaym Holvayde.

Doctor  Axel Meissner Axel Meissner

A magnificent a specialist in cardiology and internal medicine, Axel Meissner has established itself as one of the best doctors in their field.

About The academic hospital Cologne Merheim-Holweide

Academic clinic Cologne Merheim-Holweide is an excellent University clinics, where the luminaries of medicine teach gifted young doctors. These medical centers use the latest achievements for the successful, gentle, rapid treatment of patients. Complex academic hospitals glorified minimally invasive modern surgical treatment with the use of robotics, laparoscopic and endoscopic techniques.

In the Academic hospital Cologne Merheim-Holweide the condition of patients is constantly monitored by experienced famous doctors, as well as talented young professionals. It treats patients great endocrinologist Professor Eisenberger, obstetrician-gynecologist Professor Neuhaus and other professionals of global significance.

Academic clinic Cologne Merheim-Holweide secured the best equipment for a complete examination, therapeutic and surgical treatment.

In the Academic hospital Cologne Merheim-Holweide unable to effective treatment, respect and a comfortable in-patient conditions, patients with oncological, pulmonology, endocrine and other violations.

Clinic reviews
A hernia umbilical cord was diagnosed to my Jaroslav after childbirth. Fortunately, we at that time was in Cologne with my husband, he worked there and we lived there for 3 months. Needed surgery, because the hernia would not have passed. Appealed to the Academic hospital Cologne Merheim-Holweide Dr. Thomas Bemers. He did everything first class and our son is now a healthy boy!
Here doing abdominoplasty have a remarkable surgeon, but in General nice and positive person - Pavel Fuchs (University clinic Cologne Merheim-Holweide). Everything was done without a hitch. Even the recovery period I moved fairly easily! And I read about him on the forum about the plastic Chirurgie. Thank you very much for your excellent work!
I had tears during childchildbirth, but I thought all self-heal. But all of this has led to endocervicitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix). Needed qualified help, because the inflammation can go on to have unfortunate consequences. My Director just came from a trip from Germany and said that his friend highly recommends the Academic hospital Cologne Merheim-Holweide, because there was one of the best States doctors. Now I've been here for a month observed. Live near the clinic in a small hotel. The clinic is spacious and light. I here do not bother. And my last tests were good, which is good news.
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